Interfaith Today, episode six
Rowan continues with interviews from the URI Global Council Meeting. Please see Episode Five for the first three interviews. Episode Seven will conclude this collection of interviews.
In this podcast, the first segment features Ms. Despina Namwembe a Global Trustee from Uganda who speaks about her work as a social scientist caring for AIDS patients. The second segment features a Global Trustee from the Middle East, Mr. Shlomo Alon of the Interfaith Encounter Association. The last segment is Monica Willard who volunteers as the official UN Representative of URI and who is particularly involved in the International Day of Peace.
Trustee biographies from the URI
Ms. Despina Namwembe-- Orthodox Christian, Interfaith CC Initiative, Kampala, Uganda;
-- Biographic Information: I am the National Program Manager for Youth and Children on Primary Basic Health Care in the Uganda Orthodox Church. I hold a BA Degree in Social Sciences and a Diploma in Administration. I have worked for religious institutions, including The Uganda Joint Christian Council as Assistant Program Officer for the Gender, Youth and Children Department. I have promoted URI work since its inception in Uganda in 1997 and I am a very instrumental person with an interfaith personality, self-driven with special interest in helping marginalized groups. I have been a Global Council Trustee for one term and have helped promote URI to different categories of people within and outside of Uganda.
Mr. Shlomo Alon
-- Jewish, Jerusalem Interfaith Encounter CC, Jerusalem, Israel
-- A Jewish-Israeli working in the Israeli Ministry of Education, where he spent 15 years as the national supervisor of Arabic Language Education (for Jews). Because of his lifelong involvement with the Arabic language and people, he became very interested in cross-cultural and interfaith work. He is the Jewish Vice-Chairperson of the board of directors for the Interfaith Encounter Association, a URI MCC.